Preparing a Place

“Dad, our Heavenly Father is not preparing a place here for you. He’s preparing YOU for a place here with Him”. – Remain true. Love you, Braden

“I won’t ever earn a place in Heaven, but my hope lies in trusting my loving Father will allow me in anyway”. – Braden’s dad

Our north Texas community is growing (as are many others) so fast it’s insane. Real estate prices have climbed through the roof as California moves to Texas. We have friends in real estate who say they have no lack of sales opportunities but the asking prices are far above the appraisal price. Banks don’t loan on anything above proven value.

Today, a prospective buyer in north Dallas arrives at the closing table with a significant amount of cash just to pay the difference between the real versus perceived value. They even have something real estate agents call “Love Letters” which are buyers trying to pull at the heart strings of a home owner to persuade them the sell.

What a terribly wonderful problem to have as a seller. Still if I sold tomorrow I’d have to pay twice as much to move to a similar property unless I buy a shack!

After our son, Braden took his life the morning of October, 30 in 2018, we’ve remained in family counseling. A couple of months ago, I had a conversation with one of them that stuck with me. The counselor asked me about “where I go in my mind” when I replay the day when Cathy called screaming into the phone. We talked about ways to “re-script” that horrific event in order to somehow cope with the trauma in a more healthy way. I was asked to think about our son and where he is in this very moment. What he’s doing? Where is he living? What does he look like?

The doc asked, “Do you believe you’ll ever join Braden again where he is now?” After a thoughtful pause, I finally replied, “Honestly, it’s about a ten percent bet. I’m completely assured he is in Heaven. He deserves the largest and most amazing mansion along with everything he didn’t have here, but I’ve not personally earned the chance to enter Heaven much less the opportunity to live in a mansion God has prepared there. I might squeeze in through a side door, but I’m lucky if there’s even a shack awaiting me”.

Although it was my attempt to make light of a heavy question, there was a hint of some truth in that response. The hard fact is I do have my doubts though rarely have they been verbalized. After all, how could the life I’ve lived here ever earn a ticket into Heaven. Fortunately, I have really good counselors who are strong in their Christian faith. The response to my fully honest answer was met with helpful wisdom.

“There are no shacks in Heaven. No one gets what we deserve based upon what we did or what we didn’t do here. Otherwise, Heaven would be totally empty. Even a shack in Heaven is far beyond anything the saints could have earned”

In my immaturity, I’ve always wondered, “Why would God build a mansion for me? Can’t He just blink and make that sort of thing happen?” How ignorant. The word, “Building” in this scripture means He is “Preparing”. Rather than swinging a hammer or sawing a 2×4, my Heavenly Father is spending His time each day of my physical life preparing ME for the spiritual one. A place He eternally has always had prepared which is with Him.

My faith and my sustenance lie in trusting that I won’t have to pay even one dime towards any mortgage for my “Heavenly mansion”. The only price for such an awesome gift is my surrender and faith in the Builder.

Prayer: Lord, help us replace our own selfish worldly plans with your perfect blue printed spiritual one. Watch over those who are in dark places right now, falling prey to a lie by thinking they don’t deserve to receive what Your offer… the gift of complete grace, forgiveness, and abundant life. In Your Son Jesus’ name, Amen.

John 14: 1-4

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.”

10 thoughts on “Preparing a Place

  1. I am so very grateful we don’t have to
    “ deserve” what God has prepared for us. In His great love He takes us just as we are. You are learning and growing so much in Christ as you walk this journey. I am so very thankful for all He is teaching you ( and all of us through you. ) So proud of you my precious son!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow, Mark. Got me again with this one.

    Been too long. Would like to catch up with you. Finally taking a full week off next week and going to gulf coast of FL.

    How about coming over or meeting for coffee soon? Is 9/8 – 9/11 too far to plan for?

    Kurt 469-617-1874

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Amen! Our Abba Father prepares for us even in our own self doubt of deserving. I praise the mighty name of the Lord Most High for loving me for who I am, where I am, where I am to be and the struggles and success in-between! Thank you for always nailing it on the head, Mark!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. “Find and watch over those who are in dark places right now, falling prey to a lie by thinking they don’t deserve to receive your promises.” I am raising grandchildren who have been rejected and had promises broken by the people they should have been able to trust no matter what. The teenager struggles with feeling worthy of love from the people in her life. There have been three hospitalizations this year due to suicide attempts. Though she made a profession of faith as a child, she now says she doesn’t believe…I had not had the thought she doesn’t feel worthy of God’s love and promises, either.
    Your prayer is my prayer specifically for her. Thank you for the words I didn’t know I needed today.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Mr. Speed,
    I am in awe of your walk with Christ. Your faith comes through your words so clearly. I wish I had but just a fraction of that faith and of your trust in the reality of heaven, as nothing in life compares to the longing I feel to be in the company of my son again.

    Liked by 1 person

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